
About Enlarge image

Design & The City was organised by the University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) and the Knowledge Mile: an applied research ecosystem in the heart of Amsterdam. The event took place in 2016: the year of the Dutch EU Presidency, during which a declaration on the European Urban Agenda will be defined.

Education and applied research at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences (AUAS) are both closely linked with its surroundings: the city of Amsterdam and its citizens, municipality, organisations and companies. The connection between these parties is made through various focal points that connect education and applied research on specific topics such as Amsterdam Creative Industries, Urban Vitalty, Urban Technology, Urban Education and Urban Management.

An important underlying theme in the AUAS’ research activities – and therefore also for this conference – is Citizen Empowerment: Can social media, big data and other digital technologies contribute to more sustainable, liveable and sociable urban communities? Read more on the Theme page.

Knowledge Mile
The Knowledge Mile is an applied research ecosystem in the heart of Amsterdam, consisting of three universities of applied sciences, citizens, organisations, companies and the municipality of Amsterdam. For more information on the Knowledge Mile, please visit the Location page.

The Knowledge Mile is an initiative of the Amsterdam Creative Industries Network. Founded by the AUAS, Inholland University of Applied Sciences and the Amsterdam School of the Arts, the network’s aim is to connect various parties on the intersection of digital technology and creative industries.

Design & The City Team
Martijn de Waal – Overall Programme Coordinator
Kim Hagenaar – Conference Producer
Gabriele Ferri – Coordinator Workshops & Lab of Labs
Paul van de Water – Press Relations & Communication
Twan Eikelenboom – Editor in Chief Website and Newspaper
Maarten Terpstra – Community Manager Knowledge Mile
Jennifer Veldman – Production Assistent

Website design and development by Medamo & PUNTPIXEL.
Conference and event photography by Sebastiaan ter Burg.

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