Smart city projects: What lessons can be learned from the experiences so far?

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Getting smart city solutions off the ground is not just about developing and applying technology: it asks for new networking and management competencies. How to set up and manage projects in which different stakeholders collaborate to get results? The Smart City Entrepreneurial Lab will give you insights in the best practices and lessons learned across a broad range of smart city projects in the Amsterdam metropolitan area in three key themes in urban sustainability: energy, mobility, and circular economy.

There are a lot of (pilot) smart city projects done, some are quite successful, others less; Some projects have been developed, scaled and/or replicated elsewhere, others are not. In their current research, the Smart City Entrepreneurial Lab examines what lessons can be learned from the experiences so far. The research focuses on the business model, the committed network and the way in which this has been realized. In this way, new smart city projects can benefit from the knowledge gained in previous projects.

Date: Wednesday, April 20th 2016
Time: 11.30 – 17.00 hours (at 11.00 you are more than welcome for a coffee)
Location: Room 02A30 (second floor) of the Wibauthuis, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences.
Address: Wibautstraat 3b, Amsterdam.

Sign up here

Programme outline

11.00 – 11.30

11.30 – 11.35: Opening by moderator Katrien de Witte, Programme Manager Urban Technology, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

Plenary sessions
11:35 – 11:50: Amsterdam Smart City – Ger Baron, Chief Technology Officer at City of Amsterdam
11.50 – 12.10:   The Amsterdam innovation ecosystem. A project factory?  – Dr. Willem van Winden, professor of Urban Knowledge Economy & Strategy, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
12.10 – 12.30:   Smart City & Business – Bas Boorsma, Director Internet of Everything, North Europe at Cisco

12.30 – 13.15     Location: Entrepreneurship room ‘PLINT’ – on the ground floor (behind the Micaffè coffee bar)

Plenary sessions
13.15 – 14.00:   Lessons learned: Smart City scaling & business models
– Ir. Inge Oskam, professor of Technical Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences
– Dr. Willem van Winden, professor of Urban Knowledge Economy & Strategy, Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences

Parallel sessions
14.00 – 15.30     Deepening sessions on 1) energy 2) mobility 3) circular economy

Sessions wrap up and closing drinks
15.30 – 16.00     Wrap up/reactions by CTO Ger Baron
16.00 – 17.00     Drinks

Keynote speakers

gerbaronGer Baron
Since April 2014, Ger Baron is the Chief Technology Officer of the City of Amsterdam. He must ensure that new technology is smartly used to solve problems in the city and to improve the lives of the residents of Amsterdam.

With his team, Ger Baron advises, coordinates and facilitates ICT efforts and innovation in the city. He played a crucial role in the development of the Amsterdam Smart City initiative from the beginning.


bas-ciscoBas Boorsma
Bas Boorsma currently serves as Cisco’s Internet of Everything leader in North Europe. In this role he orchestrates Cisco´s regional efforts that allow for the digitization of Cisco customer operations, partner operations and Cisco itself. Bas has a rich background as a City Digitization specialist. In that capacity he has managed a portfolio of smart city endeavors globally.

Bas has coordinated and overseen the implementation of innovative projects and programs that address the ways we work, live, consume, play, learn and deliver within the context of cities. Typical innovations delivered or currently being worked on include Smart Light, Smart mobility solutions, Street Digitization, City Digital Platform, Digital Ceiling, Smart Work Centers, Learning Hubs, Smart Ports, high end broadband deployment as well as the architectures and service models that will help drive the digitization of society at large.


willem-van-windenDr. Willem van Winden
Dr. Willem van Winden (PhD) is an urban economist specialized in urban innovation and policy. He is professor of Urban Knowledge Economy & Strategy at Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. He has published widely on urban innovation and related topics, in books and international peer-reviewed scientific journals.

He is strategic advisor to a number of European cities, and to Urbact, Europe’s largest exchange and learning programme promoting sustainable urban development, and Lead Expert of EUniverCities, a network of European cities and universities. He leads a research team that focuses on urban innovations, inter-organisational business models for smart cities, campus development, synergy management in clusters, triple helix collaboration. The research projects are typically designed in close collaboration with policy makers and receivers, and lead to concrete and applicable results. In particular, he has participated in many applied research projects in the region of Amsterdam, in close collaboration with the city government and Amsterdam Smart City.

For publications and citations, see Google Scholar.


Inge OskamIr. Inge Oskam
Inge Oskam is professor Technical Innovation & Entrepreneurship at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. Inge is co-responsible for the Urban Technology research programme of the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. It creates a place where students, lecturers and companies work closely together to apply smart technologies and develop innovative and sustainable products, urban designs, logistical concepts and business models.

She is responsible for the research theme ‘Circular Design & Smart Production’ with a focus on concrete solutions for a circular city. Research subjects are the application of renewable materials such as biobased plastics, reuse of plastic and textile waste streams, closing urban organic waste cycles and the realisation of the necessary circular business models and collaboration networks.

At this website you can find publications and more information about the projects.

Deepening sessions
Knowledge and experiences of 12 smart city projects within the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area will be shared and discussed during the roundtables.

About the organizer: Smart City Entrepreneurial Lab
This event is an initiative of the Smart City Entrepreneurial Lab which is part of the AUAS’ Entrepreneurship Program. It is a collaboration between the university’s priority areas Urban Management and Urban Technology.

The lab brings entrepreneurs, researchers and students together to do practical scientific research on suitable business models for smart city solutions. Together with partner Amsterdam Smart City we aim to contribute to a smart city where urban stakeholders learn to innovate together, co-creating solutions that enhance urban quality of life and generate new business opportunities.

More information about the Smart city Entrepreneurial Lab can be found here.

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